Nigeria's Insecurity, Caused By Injustice- Mazi Ohuabunwa •••Inaugurates The New Nigeria Group In A'Ibom

Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, 2023 Presidential Aspirant

Ravaging insecurity, leading to loss of lives and property across the nation has been linked to injustice meted on the different tribes by the political class, since independence, the  convener of the New Nigeria Group and 2023 Presidential aspirant, Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa stated this in Uyo yesterday while interacting with journalists on the key issues that has bedevilled Nigeria's advancement, despite the huge human and natural resources at it's disposal.

The continued failure of Nigeria, in spite of several attempts, he noted challenged him and other like minds to begin the process of change by first sensitizing Nigerians to accept it as the only option towards redeeming the nation.

Disagreeing that Nigeria's insecurity has anything to do with ethnic or religious biases, Ohuabunwa, said it is purely a reaction to  injustice on the different section of the country which agitate at one time or the other.

"Nobody should colour insecurity in Nigeria with any ethnic or religious biases. No, it is purely caused by injustice. People are feeling mistreated,misjudged and marginalised. The moment you create a country that works for everyone, where you will be treated well, no matter where you come from, insecurity will end." He explained.

" I will work to ensure that everyone of our country man is treated well, it won't matter whether you are weak, strong, poor or rich. What happens and continue to lead to insecurity is that when some people find themselves in the privileged position of  power, they eat and ignore others. The hungry people will now have only one option left and that is to bring down the walls. Nobody that is eating will consider bringing down the walls." Ohuabunwa added.

Admitting certain roadblocks to the presidency, he argued that they are however surmountable because in his view, God's timetable to salvage Nigeria is being divinely implemented by Him.

" Yes, there is the mafia holding Nigeria to ransom, but I know a powerful God who gives commands to principalities and powers and they obey Him. We know in history how God has used those you think are unqualified, prepares them for the assignment and then saved the people He intended to save. This is what God is set to do in Nigeria " He said.

Additionally, Ohuabunwa, maintained that Nigerians are tired of the current situation of things  and have been praying all over the country and God is set to answer these prayers by raising a new generation of leaders who will invest in peace and progress.

According to him, across the nation, the elites are buying into his proposition for a better country because in his view, they are the most scandalized as a result of how bad the nation has become and so they want to see good overtake evil.

The war against corruption, he said can only be successful if the economy is improved, jobs provided and people paid wages that will enable them meet their basic needs.

" The reason some people are corrupt is that they are hungry, if we give them food and tell them to stop corruption, they will stop. We will treat corruption from fundamental basis, not on newspapers and televisions " he noted.

Another means to deal with corruption, the Presidential Aspirant insisted, is for leaders to be exemplary and reward actions appropriately.

"As a leader if I don't want people to drive on the wrong lanes, I won't do it. And if anyone disobeys the laws and appropriate punishment is served, he or she will stop it and it will deter others from considering similar actions. 
These are part of the things we intend to do to restore law and order" he said.

While listing his guiding philosophy to include, knowledge, industry, integrity, patriotism, justice, freedom/liberty, and godliness, Ohuabunwa inaugurated the leadership of the New Nigeria Group in Akwa Ibom state with a charge for them to drive the message of redeeming Nigeria in all nooks and crannies of the state.
They are :
Rev. (Engr) J. B Effiong, Chairman
Dr Etido Ibekwe, Vice Chairman
Eld. (Pharm.) Edet Eniang, Secretary
Mr Tony Okpon, Uyo Senatorial District Coordinator
Chief Atako Okporo, Eket Senatorial District Coordinator
Pharm. Isong Isang, Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District Coordinator


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