2023: I see PDP taking over Nigeria again -Obong Udonsek

Obong Sunny Udonsek is a major stakeholder and a loyalist of the People's Democratic Party in Onna Local Government Area.  In this interview, the traditional title holder of Obong Uforo 1 of Ibibio Land bares his mind on issues surrounding his party, the governor's succession plan and other sundry issues.

Can we meet you, sir?

I am Obong Sunny Udonsek, a major stakeholder of the People's Democratic Party in Onna local government area. I am a traditional chieftency title holder of Obong Uforo 1 of Ibibio Land, the CEO of  BJCC, a multinational Construction company operating in the state. Moderator of Summac Investment company and Cembachi. I am a citizen of this community and I resides here. I welcome you.

Considering your achievements and impact in and outside your community, May we know how you started and what inspires you to be be a life changer?

I am a very active and consistent member of the PDP in Onna, Akwa Ibom and in the country at large. I started active politics about 17years ago. And since then, I have featured in various party activities. One of the most interesting things that happened within these years was  the emergence of Mr Udom Emmanuel as governor of Akwa Ibom state about 7years ago. Udom Emmanuel is my brother and an Onna man. So it would have been a disservice to my people if I had decided not to back him up when he declared his intention to contest for governorship of the state in 2014.
So I, alongside Mr Ekpenyong Ekpenyong(late Udo Ekpenyong's son) founded a group, The New Breed for Sustainable Development. He is the International coordinator of the  while I was the Board of Trustee(BoT) Chairman of the group. That group spearheaded the campaigns that mobilised hundreds of thousands of people to follow Udom Emmanuel and we did that very successfully till he became governor of the state in 2015. That was the success story. That's how we start. 
As for the question of how or what inspires me to impact people's lives positively, I want to tell you that that has been my nature long before I joined active politics. I have done so many things to my community and people around me. I have given water, light, sponsor people to acquire skills, settle biils for individuals and more.
Apart from that, by the grace of God, I have been able to attract government presence to my community. The tarred road we now enjoy in this community was promised by Mr Udom Emmanuel when came to consult me about his governorship ambition in 2014. He was here in my house and he promised that he was going to award the construction of this road within his first 100 days in office, and that was exactly what he did. Today, the road has been completed and commissioned and put to use for the betterment of our people. We are thankful to God Almighty, we are thankful to the governor. So my concerns has been how I would better the lot of people of my community and it's citizenry. I protect and defend them even as I live here.

How do you rate governor Udom Emmanuel administration in the last seven years?

Governor Udom Emmanuel has performed beyond the expectations of the entire people of Akwa Ibom state.  His performance has been very strategic. One of the significant things he has done is the birth of Ibom Air in the state. Today, Ibom Air is a household name. It is the best Airline in Nigeria in terms of promptness, regularity and accuracy.
Another feat is the governor's ability to attract industries to the state. Udom has built more industries than any other government that preceded him even when the economy was booming. No government has done much as Udom has done. He has developed the Health sector, Agriculture, Education and infrastructure. If we want to talk about infrastructure, I make bold to say that Akwa Ibom possess the best roads network connection in the country. There are places you go to in this country and you won't find road. But here in Akwa Ibom, there's no local government area that is not connected to a Trunk A road. Everywhere is very clean, and that is courtesy of the governor. He is a governor that is determined. He is someone who has given his time and energy to the development of the state and he has made indelible marks in the sand of time. You know times are hard, and if someone can do miracle in this time to have attained these achievements, then you should know that he's gifted.

In less than a year, he would have been out of office. How do you see his succession plan?

His succession plan is already ongoing. And definitely and divinely a man of God has been brought to captain the ship of the state. This is because the governor himself is a child of God. In the Synagogue where I worship sometimes, we greet by saying 'Emmanuel,' which means God with us, so that is the meaning of Emmanuel -God with us. God is with Gov Emmanuel, that is why he has the fear of God. That is why he has brought a man of God, a preacher of the word  to take over from him so that Akwa Ibom will not plunge into a lawless and diabolical society. We want a state where God's presence will abound. In the presence of God, there's liberty and freedom. We want a state where there will be abundant of every good thing that God promised for his children. Pastor Umo Eno is the governor that will make that possible. He is the one who will take us to a land that is filled with milk and honey.  And Akwa Ibom people has overwhelmingly accepted him as a beautiful bride. They are ready to elect him as the next governor of the state.

How do we rate your support for Pastor Umo Eno who happens to be the PDP governorship candidate in the state?

Massive! My support for him is massive. Every true Akwa Ibom person is solidly behind Pst Umo Eno. Let me tell you one thing; Akwa Ibom people are Christians. My father in the lord used to say that good christians are good citizens. If you see a citizen who is not a good citizen, he is not a good christian. So as good christians that we are, we are firmly behind Umo Eno. Our support for him is one hundred percent massive. Massive in the sense that we love our governor. I always say that wherever he leads, we will follow. Why do We follow Jesus Christ? We follow Jesus Christ because we believe in him. So we follow Udom Emmanuel because we believe in him and we will transferred that followership to Umo Eno.

In 2019 and 2015, you used The New Breed Organisation to mobilise support for Mr Udom Emmanuel. Is that structure still intact?

The New Breed Organisation is even more bigger, larger and stronger now than in 2015 and 2019. This is a group that parades over one million registered members. So if one million members turn out to vote, won't you have one million votes? Like the international coordinator said two days at the graduation ceremony for trainees that, The New Breed is for Pst Umo Eno. With this, you can already imagine his votes.
So far, The New Breed is the largest socio political group in this country and the group is presence is felt everywhere; in the US, Germany, Thailand and so on. It's larger than some political parties. It is filled with young and vibrant brains who are desirous for positive change in this state and beyond. That's the kind of strength that we have.

If the 2023 governorship election in the state is to be judged base on the Ekiti and Osun state election precedent, do you see your party remaining as ruling party in the state?

Yes, this time every vote will count. I see the PDP not just retaining leadership in the state, I see the PDP taking over Nigeria. I, Obong Udonsek sees PDP taking over the country. Akwa Ibom state is small but we will start from here. I also see a good number of governors decamping to the PDP by December and January.

What qualities does your gubernatorial candidate possess which qualifies him to be the state governor over others?

Umo Eno is a humble, honest, loyal and a man who fears God. He's an entrepreneur, a successful one at that. He's an employer of labour who has managed people for many years. With these, there is no reason whatsoever, nothing can stop him from becoming the governor of this state. Don't forget he is coming from the private sector and people from the private sector performs better in political offices than civil servants. Civil servants don't take speedy moves when it comes to policy implementation. They wait for the time to come and the time may never come. But business men grab opportunities and work on them and they come out very clean. That's the kind of person Umo Eno is and that is why Akwa Ibom people loves him. If you see a successful business man in the street, you will agree with me that he deserves some respects and accolades. Because for him to be able to pay salaries to his workers as and when due, it needs planning.
A man who has never paid salaries from his pocket to his workers will not be able to function or manage people in the street. We want a man who comes from the street and one who understands the plight of the people in the street and Umo Eno is that man.

As a leader of your party in your ward, what role did you play at the just concluded continuous voters registration exercise?

We ensured that adequate sensitisation and publicity was made across the three villages that makes up our ward. We went on a door to do sensitisation to ensure all eligible indigens participated in the registration exercise. I made bold to tell you that our PVCs are intact. Those that registered last year and early this year all have gotten their PVCs while those who registered recently are patiently waiting on INEC to get their PVCs printed and sent down here for collection. Even at the level of the party, Oniong East ll has the highest number of registered members in the entire Onna LGA. We have over 3000 registered members who have all gotten their PVCs. 

What is your parting words as the campaigns approaches.?

I always tell my people to remain steadfast and true to the PDP. It is and remains the party to beat. I also advise Akwa Ibom people to love and keep supporting the governor even as he has given us hope for a better tomorrow. He has given us a hope in the person of Pst Umo Eno. Let us follow him for glorious future of our dear state. Thank you.

Photo: Obong Sunny Udonsek


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